What are the risks of having a full abdominal hysterectomy? - full hysterectomy sleeplesness
Today is my mother, a total abdominal hysterectomy. She is going through menopause and the period of the constants has not stopped. She was anemic from all the blood loss. I wonder what are the risks of this procedure and what steps do?
I had a colon resection, which represents a similar cut. I spent five days in hospital. My sister had a vaginal hysterectomy in January. Recovery time was much faster than the average. You can your mother? Recovery time for me and my 15-inch cut was six weeks down. The restoration of the abdominal surgery was painful! I suffered from major hospital. I even had a pump to inject medication for pain.
There are different procedures for a hysterectomy, some doctors through the navel, others vary from abdominal procedures. The abdominal method offers a better idea of the ovaries, and allows them to know whether there are other problems.
Most people quickly from one source, but with abdominal surgery, which is a little more careful with heavy lifting, and a plan to take it easy at least a few weeks.
There is always a risk with surgery, but in his case, the risk of not doing so at the progress made in bleeding
"Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus, usually performed by a gynecologist. The two common surgical approaches to hysterectomy are to be attained either by laparotomy or trans-vaginal.
In the analysis of modern medicine today, the risks are minimal. It is indeed odd that there was a total abdominal procedure.
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