98 warrior 350 exhaust issues? - dg exhaust
I need to know if there an easy way to make the quieter exhaust. I bought a rebuilt their currencies Warrior 350 with a style DG RCM exhaust. It seems a CCR, but not sure. Its just getting on my nerves, as he was loud.It cool in the 1st, but as I said I can not walk more than 20 minutes or less going with a migraine.
If you are mechanically inclined, I saw guys running out to change to accommodate the Supertrapp disks. Or weld leaving a sort of chicane. Or buy a new one! $ 200-300.
Do you know what you mean. Borrowed a CB175 with Dunstall once and lost his nerve after 3 miles. The best option is to adapt the system of values.
Not much you can do an exhaust-do "quiet". Find a new system that suits you best
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